Oct 23, 2018

Running Against the Clock

The alarm sounds every morning and as soon as it is set off the race starts. Wake up. Brush your teeth. Take a shower. Get dressed. Have breakfast. Pick up your things. Drive to work. Sign in. 80 minutes. Break. 80 minutes. Break. 80 minutes. Have lunch. 80 minutes. Break. 80 minutes. Break. 80 minutes. Sign out. Go home. 
Isn’t it exhausted? Don’t you feel you are against the clock all day long every single day? How much time do you take for yourself during the day? During the week? During the month? 
Being sincere, sometimes it’s very difficult to me to take time to myself because I say I don’t have time because I have to…and I start mentioning a many-to-do list I have in my mind. And for sure I have to do all this stuff, but couldn’t I have some minutes for myself in the whole day, week or month? 
Commenting that issue with a wise woman I meet recently, she asked me: Don’t you have time or don’t you take time for/to yourself? After listening these words something inside me just makes BUM!! So the days after that, I started receiving input from two great people: Mary Scholl and Sean Conley. They basically help me and guide me to apply or consider some principles of mindfulness and leadership to connect with my inner self in order to have better connections with others around me. 
So, if you want to start taking time for yourself I’ll recommend you to sign up for HeadSpace. It is a digital platform that provides guided meditation sessions and mindfulness training. When doing do, you will start experiencing 3, 5 or 10 minutes for you every day. So, learn how to get relax and breath. Enjoy your new routine with yourself and learn how to stop the chaos around you for some minutes to continue with renovated energy. 
Let’s start loving ourselves first to be able to connect with others then.


  1. Taking care of ouservelves is the most important thing. I believe that most teachers forget about it and that is one of the reasons why we might get sick.
    If we are not ok we will not be able to do oour job, we will not be successful in the class.

    1. Absolutely! Regrettably sometimes we put ourselves in the last place of our priorities list!

  2. Hello sweety! Taking care of ourselves will reflect to others how much we care, by the way will lead us to happiness and that will affect the way we are seeing by others, in our class students will notice inmediatly if your are good or bad, and that sometimes influences their behaviour.


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